Monday, November 30, 2009

2 geat oldies!!

good news,folks!! rrgomes and Eslinstructor1 on youtube have uploaded some great old classics from 2 of my favorite studios:Fleischer and Iwerks.

1.Phoney Express.

Flip is a stagecoach driver in this the iris in shows the afore metioned vehicle travelling along a cliffside,with both driver and horse singing She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain(yes i know,it's a train song,but,hey,it's catchy!).

However,the Deppresion seems to have an effect on our amphibian friend;for his well-drawn coach only carries the love intrest(love that 18th century dress!),the Hag and a burly man(at first,i
thought he was the bad guy,but actually,he was a passenger).so 3 passengers.Hmmm,*nice work,

this becomes -1 as the coach hits a few bumps and Burly is thrown off through the floor a